
It was so beautiful that I died, Camille McOuat

Photographies et textes : Camille McOuat
The series started as a way to pass the time during a quiet vacation in Yorkshire visiting my 90 year old great uncle, and quickly became a serious endeavor following the strong positive reaction I got from friends and other photographers. In these photos and in many of my street photos, I'm looking for the absurd side and the humor in life. A sense of mystery, and often a sense of being alone. At least this is what comes across in my photos more and more whether intentional or not. I'm very serious about my work, but in general I don't feel grounded. I feel like I could just die at any moment and nothing I do is important. Maybe lots of people feel like this leading up to the infamous age of 27. Like the landscapes in these photos, the world would just go on without me. But hey, if we're all going to die, might as well have an epic final vision!
18,00 €

Genre : photographie

Format fermé 150 x 155 mm
74 pages imprimées en quadri sur Munken 80 g – Couverture sur Tintoretto Gesso 250 g. impression quadri.
Livres brochés – Dos carré collé – 32 photographies en couleur

ISSN : 2425-6277 - ISBN : 978-2-36980-056-9

Première édition, octobre 2014.

Le tirage de tête est constitué de 25 exemplaires numérotés de 1 à 25, illustrés chacun d'une épreuve tirée en Impression jet d'encre pigmentaire sur papier Hahnemühle Photo Rag 308g par l'atelier Sungheelee (Arles-sur-Rhône), jaquette sur papier popset teinte bleu nuit. (52€ + 5€ participation aux frais d'envoi). Les exemplaires 1/25, 2/25, 3/25 ne sont pas à la vente.

Partenariat avec la galerie Les comptoirs arlésiens de la jeune photographie, à Arles-sur-Rhône.
